Today is SKMD - Social Media Kindness Day, founded by Mayah Riaz in memory of her good friend Caroline Flack who should be celebrating her 41st Birthday today.
This is to encourage everyone to be kind online and to stop the trolling that can have devastating outcomes.
This is not just for one day, this is a movement, below are some ways (taken from the website) that you can help;
💫 Help Stop Unkindness
We may never know the impact negativity has on others, therefore, let's be proactive in making sure we harvest kindness. If you see trolling against others, please remind them this is unkindness and the impact it may have on others.
💫 Checking In On Someone
When you see someone being trolled or experiencing negativity, check in on them. See if they're okay. You don't have to know that person to check in on them. You may never know the power of your kindness upon them. It could potentially save their life. If you wish, you can send them a kindness meme from our website.
💛 Go to the website to make your pledge and to find out more ways you can help to make social media a kinder place to be.
Tool #21 in My Wellness Toolbox is Kindness, this is the tool everyone should have, without exception!!
Be kind. Always. It costs nothing. Unkindness costs lives.
#SMKD #socialmediakindnessday #bekind #checkin #standup #stopthetrolls #trolling #bekindalways #bekindtoothers #helpingothers #helpeachother #makeyourpledge #pledgetobekind #campaign #inspiring #makeadifference #makeadifferencetoday #bekindtoyourmind #kindness #mywellnesstoolbox #yourwellnesstoolbox