DAY 2 / 365
Last night I was feeling a bit tired and grumpy (aka as a mild NY hangover), I was starting to think of all the things I’ve got to do in preparation for a busy week next week. Overwhelm started to kick in.
Then I remembered my 2021 mantra:
“Today I will be present”. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Just doing this led me to drop overthinking about tomorrow, next day or next week and I actually found myself thinking of everything I had to be grateful for in this moment.
1. Thankful that my diary is full of appointments and book tour dates 💫
2. Thankful for the Christmas songs that are still playing on the TV 🥴😅
3. Thankful that the Christmas Tree still looks beautiful (if a little dead) 😂
4. Thankful for the healthy food I’ve ordered on the online shop
5. Thankful for the blanket that’s keeping us cosy on the sofa
...the Gratitude tool can be hard to pull out when feeling tired or grumpy but doing this simple task can help flip the mood... or at least raise a smile.
Grab your journal, notepad or piece of paper and write down what you are thankful for... and give yourself a boost.
Have a lovely Saturday (actually is it Saturday?!?! 🤯🥴😅) xx