This is me age 5. When I wanted to be a nurse. Many times in early adulthood I would say I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. It was during my latest healing journey that I was reminded that isn’t true. As actually there have been two periods of time in my life when I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Age 5 I knew when I grew up I wanted to be a nurse. So what changed? I was handed a limiting belief. Not intentionally, no one did it on purpose, nor to cause harm or to hold me back. Yet this is a fine example of how what we are told...
This week I was reunited with a water bottle I haven’t seen since March 2020. I was led back to it because I decided to do something that many consider brave. I sat back in the psychotherapists chair! Woah!! What?! Why?! Everything is ok?! Isn’t it?! The last time I spoke to my lovely therapist was November 2020. The last time I sat in her actual chair was just before lockdown in March 2020 when she supported me through a very difficult period in my life. Since then I have continued to heal in quite incredible ways and would once again say I live a predominantly anxiety and OCD free life. Yet a few weeks ago, I had, for the...
“There are 7.7 billion people in the world and the only persons opinion about your life that truly matters, is yours, so make it a good one” (Ali Swift 2021)As a published Author of two self-development books I have received many incredible 5 & 4 star reviews (aka opinions), especially for ‘My Wellness Toolbox’, they have made me dance on the ceiling, rubbed my ego like it’s never been rubbed before. Yet I have also received a few 3 & 2 star reviews (aka opinions) that, if I’m honest, made me feel a little flat at the time I read them, I wanted to reach out to the reviewers and understand their thoughts more. Ego deflated. People pleaser alert!!! Then...
Learning that it is safe for me to feel my feelings has been life changing for me, especially in the last 18 months. My feelings and emotions are valid, even if others can’t handle them or don’t want to accept them. When I keep my uncomfortable emotions inside I only poison myself, when I allow them I release them… and that is better for me long term ❤️…all our emotions are valid! It’s why we were born with them 💫
Yesterday a very special lady, who is currently reading My Wellness Toolbox, asked “How did you manage to turn the news off completely?”… “How do you stay informed on key issues?” this led me to ask the question…Why do you watch the news? Does reading and watching the news keep you informed and enrich your life or does it feed your fears and leave you feeling worried or angry at the world? From an early age it was programmed into many us that newspapers and news programmes are the main source of information to keep us informed…We have been educated to actively keep up to date with current affairs. Even if it is affairs we have no control...