I am so proud of my new client who has only had 2 sessions with me over the past few weeks. She has not only discovered her very own Wellness Toolbox and is embracing her new tools to help build her confidence and self-esteem, she is having personal successes already that will be great for her mindset and wellbeing.

This lovely lady came to me with a specific need. When facing specific periodic meetings that can be challenging due to the audience and content she experiences overwhelm, anxieties and her nerves take over, this often arises in the days and sometimes weeks before the scheduled meeting. Regardless of how successful the meeting is she often leaves feeling deflated and lacking confidence in her abilities.

As part of the coaching sessions we explored a number of tools including music, affirmations, breathing exercises, visualisations, The Secret and several more. Some to be used before, some during and others after the meeting.

She now also knows that she can’t change what has happened, so only thing she can do is now give herself a big high five for nailing it and reminding herself of this success and progress when the next meeting is approaching πŸ‘πŸ»

Not only have the tools already started to help her with this specific need I know she is also using the tools in other areas in her life. I am very excited to see how she grows in confidence over the next few months.

I was so chuffed that she took the time to let me know how she got on. She said Thank You for my help but as I always say, she is doing the hard bit I just simply share the tools!

#lovewatchingothersgrow #mywellnesstoolboxcoaching