Your Swift Healing Reiki Therapy

I was introduced to Reiki in 2014 when I was pregnant, in my third trimester. Struggling with back and hip pain and exhausted from lack of sleep, I found it was very effective for me both physically and emotionally.

Since then, Reiki has continued to have such a positive impact on my wellbeing, especially throughout the emotional rollercoaster that is motherhood, that I decided to qualify as a Reiki Practitioner in 2018, trained in Usui Reiki.
In 2021 I qualified as a Reiki Master and in 2022 I qualified as a Reiki Master Teacher. 

What is Reiki Therapy?

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) means universal energy, it is an ancient, holistic and complementary therapy that originated in Japan, used for relaxation and stress reduction that also promotes healing throughout the whole body and mind. It is non-invasive and can be used alongside conventional medical treatments. Reiki can help anyone, including adults, teenagers, children and babies. You do not have to be ill to benefit from the relaxing and energising effects.

Clients have reported the following benefits of Reiki:

  • Induce a sense of relaxation and calm
  • Pain relief
  • Restore balance, including hormonal balance
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Improves sleep
  • Relief during the grieving process
  • Relief of colic, wind and constipation in babies
  • Restores a sense of wellbeing

    What does a In Person treatment involve?

    During the treatment you can either lie down on the massage table I provide, or you may choose to sit up in a chair. You remain fully clothed throughout the treatment. Energy will flow through my hands as I place them either on or above your body in a series of hand positions. This will be around the head, shoulders, stomach and feet and other areas depending on your needs. I will work with the energy to help you release any blockages and allow the energy to flow.

    What is Distance Reiki and what does a treatment involve?

    Distance Healing is a technique whereby you do not have to be physically present to receive healing.  The intention to heal is sent by the Reiki Therapist and received by you in an instant transmission. 

    During the treatment you can either lie down or you may choose to sit up in a chair. I always recommend you find a place where you are unlikely to be disturbed. Using distance Reiki healing techniques I will work with the energy to help you release any blockages and allow the energy to flow.

    Your Swift Healing Reiki Therapy Price List

    Click here to contact me directly, find out more and book Your Swift Healing sessions.