Your Wellness Toolbox Coaching

As Your Wellness Toolbox Coach I will guide, motivate and encourage you to discover Your Wellness Toolbox and fill it with the appropriate tools that will encourage you to have a daily self-care routine, to help build your confidence, that can help you achieve your goals, that can break down the blockers that are holding you back and enable you to live a more positive and fulfilling life.

Your Wellness Toolbox Coaching can include: 

  • Your Wellness Toolbox discovery and development 
  • Daily Self Care Planning and Tracking 
  • Life Goal Setting and Tracking 
  • Developing specific Toolboxes for key events including Exams, Weddings, Public Speaking etc 
  • Practicing the use of Your Wellness Tools. A few examples: creating Affirmations and Gratitude Vision Boards, exploring essential oils, releasing outdated and limiting beliefs, practice using the word No! 

All sessions are bespoke and designed to meet your needs that we will discuss and agree prior to, and at your first session. 

All Packages include a free copy of Your Wellness Toolbox. 

Your Wellness Toolbox Coaching is available Internationally using Zoom, Skype, or a suitable alternative. 

Your Wellness Toolbox Coaching Options

Are you ready to invest in yourself?
Book Now

Click here to contact me directly to book a free 15 minute consultation or to find out more information. 

Alternatively you can combine wellness coaching with Reiki therapy. Take a look at Your Swift Healing options via the link.