I want to encourage you to consider who your positive people are... and where they may be hiding!

They are not always immediate friends and family....

So, today I am introducing another two Tool #14s in my life... who I officially met when I interviewed them on Solihull Radio... virtually... during lockdown!!

Katie Washbourne (CEO & Founder) & Shel O'Connor (Director) of Ordinary Magic, a not for Profit organisation, offering mental health and wellbeing support to children and families across Solihull and surrounding areas, they go way beyond to offer family support in many forms... trying their best to reach the ‘unreachable’.

Katie and I immediately bonded when I was planning the radio show with her, we could have talked for hours on that first call. We share a deep passion for supporting others with their mental health and we have since supported each other on a number of things. Katie has a great sense of humour, is honest, inspiring, extremely hard working and I feel very lucky to have met her. She is also Author of the fantastic children’s book ‘The Worry Monsters Machine’ (that Thomas LOVES).

Shel is just as wonderful, a real grafter, LOVES anything Disney, shares a love of blogging and we had great fun when she invited me to be a guest on their Ordinary Magic podcast. I used “officially met” above as I do know Shel from years gone by, I am connected to both of Shel’s big sisters from school... who are both as fab. A lovely family.

Recently, even with isolation and Covid curveballs, I have been working with Katie & Shel on an exciting project called ‘Your Family Wellness Hamper’. All will be revealed later today... it’s a great one!!

As someone who spends a lot of time working alone (and finds it quite lonely at times) I have absolutely loved working with them both via the power of Zoom and they have made me feel part of their team.

Thank You Katie & Michelle for being positive people in my life. You really are great tools 😂 xxx

You can find out more about Ordinary Magic via this link https://ordinarymagic.co.uk