It’s that time of year again. Today my eldest ran into our bedroom (before the alarm) with his new T-shirt hanging off him, so excited for his first day ahead in Year 1 😀
As his parent I’m excited for him but as I awoke this morning I did feel some nerves dancing around the belly, so the tools came to use once more.
This is the post I wrote for the SisterGoodness group last year... the tools remain the same. I hope you find it useful 😀
(...and yes he is 3 shoe sizes bigger 😀😀😀)
My Wellness Toolbox: Be Pro-Active
Today I went shopping for school uniform. Oh the joys! My eldest officially starts ‘real’ school next week. He will walk his little, yet forever growing, feet (that will no doubt require 3 new pairs of shoes by the end of term) through the school gates and into Reception. The gulp in my throat as I handed over the credit card was not just about the cost…
As he shares his innocent excitement I do my upmost best to join him on this exciting journey of discovery and ultimate best (and beyond) to avoid sharing my anxieties with him. The irrational and the rational ones. The completely selfless mummy ones and the completely selfish (we can be) mummy ones.
The school gate can be an emotional rollercoaster and an extremely intimidating entrance for a 4-year-old. The big people feel it too.
I joined ‘the school gates’ last year when our boy entered nursery at the very same gates we will head to next week. I can’t forget the nerves and nausea I felt that day, there were a lot of busy butterflies and urges to bolt. As he grabbed hold of me the last thing I wanted to do was let him go.
My Wellness Toolbox was working overtime for both of us. These are the tools that helped me then and I know will be in full force next week:
If you are taking on the nerves of all family members, keep a bottle by your side and take a few sips if you feel the nerves kicking in.
In for 5. Out for 10. If you sense or know your child is feeling nervous about their first day, then do this together. Let them count, for just a few minutes this can distract them from any worries they may be having.
My 4-year-old loves to have a ‘getting ready’ party (shortest party ever – no wine or gin involved - so please don’t be disappointed). Turn the positive playlist on and turn getting ready for school into a ‘getting ready by the end of the song’ moment of fun.
The song in the car on the way to school will be our boys choice, keep his mind focused on something fun… and when I climb back in the car after drop off and those held back tears start falling (guaranteed), the uplifting positive playlist will be called upon once more.
Turn the news and social media off before School. Do not let the rest of the world get to you or your children.
If you like to diffuse oils, then this is the recipe for any school day. It is called Liquid Sunshine for a reason:
• 3 Drops of Grapefruit
• 3 Drops of Lavender
• 2 Drops of Orange
• 2 Drops of Peppermint
Try and ignore (hard I know) any school gate politics that exist (it amazes me to this day that such a thing can and does exist…I feel another scenario coming on… watch this space). Be the positive person that smiles and acknowledges everyone (no matter how annoyed you still are at how hard it is for a child to put a sock on). Every parent at the gate had a journey that morning. If someone ignores you it may just be because they have had the worst morning ever trying to get their child/ren to school or they are just as anxious as you. Or they may actually just be a complete ‘&%$£’…just be grateful you have dodged a bullet!!
As we take the route to the school gates I will say Thank You for at least 3 things I am grateful for:
* Thank You for the beautiful views we see on this journey
* Thank You for all the new things my son will learn today
* Thank You for all the positive people who we will meet and support us on this journey
I know that the best thing I can do for our son it to let go and let him grow. I can’t let my fears and anxieties of this ‘big bad world’ hold him back. If the anxiety starts to take over I may have to grab the matches or light the fire and WIDABI. Write my fears, anxieties or worries down, burn them and let them go, so when I reach that school gate I have released some of the anxieties and fears, so I don’t pass them on to my child or others.
Your child is about to… so why don’t you?!
Write this moment down in your journal or diary. Your child may be excited, scared, worried, happy, sad… or all of the above. Write this memory down to help release or to share. Let your child know how proud you were on this day now and in the future.
Wishing you and your family all the best on this journey... ❤️
If you would like a copy of My Wellness Toolbox for you or a loved one you can order on Amazon or direct from me via this link