Your Swift Healing Reiki Level Two
Your Swift Healing Reiki Level 2 Training is a Usui Reiki Level 2 Course including a Reiki Level 2 Attunement.
You must have taken Reiki Level 1 & have a certificate to join this training.
Reiki Level 2 builds upon your Reiki Level 1 training and attunement, enabling you to connect to a greater level of Reiki energy and techniques, including how to send distance Reiki.
Reiki Level 2 enables you to treat both yourself with Reiki and also others using the three symbols taught at this level.
If you have plans to set up your own Reiki practice, then you will need to have completed Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 training as a minimum requirement.
Ali is a CNHC accredited Practitioner, and this Level 2 training course has also achieved accreditation that meets the Reiki National Occupational Standard. Therefore, depending on how you plan to work with Reiki you can choose from the following courses:
Option 1 - Reiki Level 2 Training & Attunement (without accreditation)
2 day training
Option 2 – Reiki Practitioner Professional Diploma (with accreditation)
9 -12 month course
Both options include the Reiki Level 2 two day training and attunement.
During your two-day training session including the level two attunement, you can expect to learn about the following...
∞ Your Reiki Level 1 Training recap and review
∞ Reiki Level 2 Introduction
∞ Reiki Level 2 Symbols
∞ The Chakra System
∞ Knowledge of Anatomy & Physiology
∞ Connection with Your Higher Self & Your Guides
∞ Explore how Reiki feels for you and others
∞ Gain more understanding on how to give Reiki to others
∞ What is a Healing Crisis?
∞ Reiki First Aid
∞ Reiki restrictions
∞ Reiki Techniques
∞ Practice giving Reiki to another person
∞ Distance Reiki
∞ Using Crystals with a Reiki Treatment
∞ Setting up in Practice
∞ Your Reiki Lineage
∞ Guidance and support to continue to Level 2 Practitioner
You will also continue your exploration of Reiki as part of your personal spiritual development and you will also enhance your learning from Level 1, including:
∞ Grounding and Protection
∞ Using crystals in Reiki
∞ Cleansing Your Aura & Energy Fields
Maximum 4 students on each training course.
All training is at Spaburbia in Solihull (B92 9JT)
Total cost - £444 per student (this includes 2-day training course)
Price includes two-day face to face training (approx 14 hours), Reiki Level 2 attunement, training materials and refreshments.
This does not include accreditation.
All students can also receive 15% discount off all Ali Swift books and wellness tools available from the online store.
Following your Reiki Level 2 Training and Attunement, you may wish to achieve a Reiki Practitioner Professional Diploma with Accreditation (that meets the Reiki National Occupational Standards).
On completion of the 9 – 18-month accreditation process, you can apply to be listed as an accredited Reiki practitioner on the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council Register.
In June 2023 there were only 303 UK Reiki Practitioners listed. The CNHC is the independent UK regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners. The CNHCs register has been approved as an Accredited register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, a body accountable to Parliament.
To achieve your Reiki Practitioner Professional Diploma, you will be required to complete the following:
∞ Total of 240 hours of study
o Complete the Reiki Level 2 Training and Attunement – 2 days
o Attend 3 Additional Practical Training days with Your Reiki Master Teacher
o Attend 4 x 121 mentoring sessions with Your Reiki Master Teacher
o Additional directed learning with Your Reiki Master Teacher (minimum 12.5 hours)
o Receive minimum 100 hours of Reiki
o Give minimum 75 hours of Reiki
o Submit 10 case studies for assessment.
o Final Assessment
This completion of this takes between 9 – 12 months.
The NOS recommendation is that it should not take less than 9 months.
Total cost - £3333 per student, (payment plan available)
This includes:
- Your Swift Healing Reiki Level 2-day training and attunement (as above)
- Three Practical Training days with Ali Your Reiki Master Teacher
- 4 x 121 Reiki mentoring sessions with Ali
- Assessment of all case studies by Ali
- Final Assessment & Exam
- Ongoing guidance and support (via text) from Ali during your guided learning period
- Ali will also support you with your own spiritual growth and inner healing as you embark on this stage of your incredible Reiki journey
- 1 x Reiki session with Ali at Spaburbia
All students will also receive 15% discount off all Ali Swift books and wellness tools available from the online store.
Click here to book place for Your Swift Healing Reiki School
Payment plans are available - please contact me directly for more information.